1000 words!

They say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Are wedding photos worth more or nothing at all ?

The other day a die hard cynic famously eschewed that more love and kisses are to be seen at airports rather than at weddings. Just like the simile that hospital walls hear more prayers than do churches and temples combined.

Point well made but like all such pithy utterances of cynicism the underlying truth is that if there were no marriages, there would be no more children and no human race and no one left to be a cynic. So let us face it. We do need to get married.

A wedding is an institution to carry on the human race. Shy not from it. Love and promise, passion and happiness are the foundation stones on which a wedding ceremony is built. Memories of that are priceless. They are eternal, timeless and a source of joy forever. So go get photographed.

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Wedding photography today is a professional affair. The studio shop next door which for years provided a local photo- grapher who would stop the ceremony and dictate how the posing would be has since then, thankfully passed away. The sole aim of this lounge room shooter with slicked oily hairdo was to embarrass you in public with grotesque postures and subject your eyes to repeated flashes to make you an early candidate for a cataract. At the end of the day, you would sit and pore over endlessly posed, flashed photos taken with no aesthetic appeal or subtlety and lament over the big hole that the whole experience had burnt in your father’s pants pockets.

Today there are IT professionals, IIT and IIM alumnus – all of them top notch post graduates who have made inroads with a different class of wedding photography. Candid and photo journalistic are the words touted. Throw in some glamor and fashion styling and you would think this genre has done a full 360 in taste and style. Has it ?

Thanks to developments in camera technology and computing power, the task of taking photos has become faster and efficient. The current breed of Indian photographers specializing in this genre speakeasy the English language and give you blurry, obstructed, noisy photos that they try to pass under the highfalutin garb of realistic photo journalism. Aesthetics be damned. You can check out any number of these charlatans and their work on a simple Google search.I am not taking names here 🙂

When it comes to wedding photography, a session with your photographer should be an experience of something charming and beautiful, a treasure trove of memories. Something unique and eventful that will bring a smile to your face or on the faces of the inheritors of your DNA, decades later.

Whether your big day is around the corner, or it is a few months away or you are just surfing the internet highway – this post is for you.

Mark this page and web resource, you will need to come back to it.